Mar 25, 2020
The imagery of feathers. What is sorcery (maleficium) and how should you use it in your fantasy and fiction project? What is an existential crisis? New science about vampires. Wild flower: Primrose
Mar 18, 2020
Everything you need to know about using swords & swordplay in your fantasy fiction project. Also, how to use a talisman in your story. Plus, how many St Patrick's were there? What was he like? Who or what was Lorelei? What is Betony?
Mar 11, 2020
The definition of magic: What is sympathetic magic? What is ceremonial magic? Wildflower of the week: the enchanting Daffodil
Mar 4, 2020
In this show I provide indispensable advice for all fantasy fiction writers. I'm worried that some of you might have lost contact with the transmundane. So, l provide the definition of magical & give useful tips that will help you conjure-up bewonderment before your next fantasy project. Also, in this show, find out...